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Lady healed from painful shoulder after falling down stairs - John Mellor Healing Ministry
Injuries from a fall down stairs healed!! - John Mellor Australian Healing Evangelist
Lady who fell down stairs & tore leg tendons healed from chronic pain Chronisch gerissene Sehne
90 year old lady has painful shoulders & spine healed - John Mellor Healing Ministry
Painful shoulders miracle healing - John Mellor Ministries
Lady feels strange heat & 5 years of chronic painful neck & shoulders are instantly healed
Painful shoulder and wrist injury from fall healed - John Mellor Healing Ministry
Painful legs and shoulder healed in Jesus' name - John Mellor Ministries
Lady healed from painful arthritic wrist - John Mellor Healing Ministry
Damaged knees, dislocated shoulder and spine healed - John Mellor Ministries
Power of God surges through man & his 25 year old arthritic tennis shoulder injury is healed
Chronic painful neck & severed tendons shoulder injuries healed & man can raise arms again